Monday, May 1, 2017

Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank: assembly and painting!

The Type 97 Chi-Ha blister contains one Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank. Similar to the Type 95 tanks, the Type 97 is build of the following parts: hull and turret in plastic and the two tracks, two machine guns, the main gun, the turret bar and the turret hatch in metal.

Detailed assembly instructions can be found in the Type 95 assembling post. To assemble the turret bar into the turret, bend it appropriately in order to fit the bar legs in the turret holes, and adjust it after the glue is dried.

Assembled Type 97 Chi-Ha.

Assembled Type 97, rear view.

Since I wanted my Type 97 Chi-Ha to follow the late 1930s early war camouflage style, I followed the same Type 95 painting process.

Type 97 with Flat Brown pattern.

Type 97 with completed camo pattern.

Front view of the Type 97 escorted by two Type 95 tanks.

Top view of the Type 97 escorted by two Type 95 tanks.

Finished Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank.


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