Saturday, November 26, 2016

Light Sensha Platoon!

The Light Sensha platoon consists on five Type 95 Ha-Go Light Tanks. The Type 95 was the main Japanese light tank throughout the war, fighting from early battles in China and Manchuria to late battles in the Pacific war. Detailed info on how to assembly and paint the Type 95 tanks can be found in older posts.

Three Type 95 Ha-Go on the Manchurian fields.

Tanks aiming at their objective.

Rear view with its Rising Sun Imperial flag.

Light Sensha platoon commander leading the way. 

Tank commander examining the terrain.

Two Type 95 Ha-Go tanks with a Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank.

Type 97 Chi-Ha leading the Light Sensha platoon.

2iC (Second in command) supported by two Type 95 Ha-Go tanks.

Three Type 95 Ha-Go tanks supporting infantry units.


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